Please do not use any ai to do this I will get kicked out of school if you do an


Please do not use any ai to do this I will get kicked out of school if you do and I will not be able to pay you just do the work yourself please.
Pretty much I want you to like do it for me like here are a few things about me im a male im 17 I like football and all things tech also have 2 sisters and a mom and dad just make some ake senerios I will link the in stuiction videos for you to do them and also the passage we read also the rubric try to do Distinguished work pls, ty for everything message me if you need help Your task is to create and write entries for your own Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. The requirements for the assignment are as follows:
1. This is a summative assessment (test) grade. It’s your first major writing assignment for this class, so do your best.
2. This is NOT a traditional essay.
3. You should create, develop, and write, at least 10 entries in your own Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life and the first entry must be about your pet possum named Harry Possum
4. Your entries should focus on the elements of a strong personal narrative: voice, description, sensory language, style, and imagery. You can also include dialogue, conflict, characterization, setting, and/or humor. 5. Each entry must have a title (written in bold and followed by a colon or a dash).
6. Entries should be in alphabetical order like an Encyclopedia.
7. You must have a minimum of 10 entries.
8. Entries don’t have a length requirement. Some entries could be short (a sentence or two) and some could be long (a paragraph or two). It will be hard to get a good grade if all of your entries are only one sentence in length.
9. You MAY end each entry with some type of reflection (on occasion, the author Rosenthal, reflects on how an event or entry changed her or made her think), but this is not required. 10. You MAY use images or drawings to help bring life to your entries. I will use the regular GCPS Narrative Rubric to grade this assignment. You can access and look at the rubric in Course Content under this lesson. If you are would like an idea of what you can write, consider my examples below. Note that I have my entries in alphabetical order and that I use humor, conflict, voice, description, sensory language, style, and imagery. Sample Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life Entries
Coach Jackson:
In 12th grade, I had a PE class called Rec Games. We went to the bowling alley once a week on a bus. We also played badminton, ping-pong, bocce ball, frisbee, and horseshoes. We were coming in one day from the field where we had played horseshoes and I threw a horseshoe high into the air. That was very dumb because 1) it could have landed on my head or someone elses head and possibly killed me or them 2) that’s pretty much it…death or serious injury. Anyway, the horseshoe got hung up on a power line above me. It was hanging by the little nub on the end of the horseshoe that helps it hook onto the metal pole for a ringer in a normal game of horseshoes. It hung and swung from the power line just waiting for a jostle or the wind to knock it off and send it sailing to the ground and crush someone’s skull. Coach Jackson didn’t see that I had done this, and I didn’t say anything at first, but as we waited for class to end, I got more and more nervous that the horseshoe might accidentally fall and hurt someone. The are it was stuck was outside but under a sidewalk that tons of students used when they changed classes. I told Coach Jackson. He was super-mad and made me get a bag of footballs and try to knock it down. It was a hard throw, and my arm got tired pretty quickly. He finally took a football and knocked it down on his first or second throw. Then he yelled at me. Then he gave me detention. After school. But I didn’t kill anyone when I was a senior in high school, so there’s that. Maps:
I like maps…paper and digital. Whenever I go somewhere new, I like to look on the map on my phone and figure out where I am and what is near me. I like to get an image in my head of the roads around me. I can never remember the names of roads or streets, but if I have looked at a map, I can usually find a destination. I like looking at old maps also and thinking about how people had to go out and explore and then hand draw a map of trails, rivers, hills, etc. Could that be their whole job? Like one day, their boss just said, “Hey dude, go out and map that land over there.” How would a person do that? And how much would a map-maker get paid. Do people still create maps today, or is it all just GPS now? I like maps because I like having information and knowing things. I don’t like to be left in the dark. I don’t like the feeling of being lost or not knowing where I am. Tuna fish sandwiches:
Gross. Your turn. Go write your own 10 entries in and Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. Don’t worry about coming up with something big for every entry. Small ideas matter too. If you are stuck for ideas, start answering questions from this list to help you generate ideas:
1. What are my earliest memories? How far back can I remember?
2. What are the most important things that have happened to me in my life so far?
3. What have I seen that I can’t forget?
4. What’s an incident that shows what my family and I are like?
5. What’s an incident that shows what my friends and I are like?
6. What’s an incident that shows what my pets and I are like?
7. What’s something that happened to me at school that I’ll always remember?
8. What’s something that happened to me at home that I’ll always remember?
9. What’s a time when I had a feeling that surprised me?
10. What’s an incident that changed how I think or feel about something?
11. What’s an incident that changed my life?
12. What’s a time or place that I was perfectly happy?
13. What’s a time or place that I laughed a lot?
14. What’s a time or place when it felt as if my heart were breaking?
15. What’s a time with a parent that I will never forget?
16. What’s a time with a grandparent that I will never forget?
17. What’s a time with a brother or sister that I’ll never forget?
18. What’s a time with a cousin or another relative that I will never forget?
19. Can I remember a time when I learned to do something, or did something for the first time?
20. What memories emerge when I make a timeline of my life so far and note the most important
things that happened to me each year? Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life
by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Google Doc version of Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life


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