Each student is assigned a unique data set consisting of a simple random sample


Each student is assigned a unique data set consisting of a simple random sample extracted from the 2022 General Social Survey (GSS) cross-section data. For more information about the GSS, please visit https://gss.norc.org/pages/GSS50.aspx. Information about the variables you will analyze are found here: GSS2022 – Variable Descriptions.pdf
Instructions for this assignment are provided within the SIP Report Template below. Download the template below, replace the title with your own, and use the headings provided within the template. After completing your report, please delete the template instructions before submitting your work.
Download: SIP Report Template.docx Submit at least a two-page report (single-spaced, 11-pt or 12-pt, Calibri or Times New Roman font) as a Microsoft Word or PDF document, with tables and graphs embedded. Canvas utilizes a plagiarism detection program called turnitin for all submissions.
RUBRIC Communication: introduction
Communication: methods
Findings representation : numerical summary of quantity and qualities Findings representation: graphical displays
Finding representation: summaries of variable relationships
Interpretation / analysis : findings
Interpretation/ analysis social impact and conclusion Format Extra credit: Ability to interpret and compare boxplots across categories of qualitative variables.


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