consider an organization with which you are familiar where a culture change was


consider an organization with which you are familiar where a culture change was needed. It is best to consider a past or current professional experience where you saw this as an issue. You will evaluate the organization and a change you identified using Kotter’s 8-step model for change, including:
Step 1: Create Urgency.
Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition.
Step 3: Create a Vision for Change.
Step 4: Communicate the Vision.
Step 5: Remove Obstacles.
Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins.
Step 7: Build on the Change.
Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.
Format your information in accordance with APA standards, include in text citations (2 at a minimum) and use two references. Note information not yours or taken from another source must be cited.


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