What is meant by planning a project? What does this encompass? Who should be inv


What is meant by planning a project? What does this encompass? Who should be involved in planning the work?
What is meant by the term project objective? What might happen if a project objective is not clearly written? Give three examples of clearly written project objectives.
Describe a project scope document. Why is it important to clearly define the project scope?
What is a work breakdown structure? What is a responsibility assignment matrix? How are they related?
Why is creating a plan for quality important? From your experience, give an example of how having and monitoring a quality plan could have prevented (or did prevent) quality problems in a project.
What is an activity? Does it always require human effort? Refer to Figure 4.1. Provide a detailed list of activities needed to accomplish work package 3.3. Do the same for work package 4.2.
Refer to Figure 4.9. What activities must be accomplished before “Input Response Data” can start? What activities can start after “Review Comments & Finalize Questionnaire” has finished? List two activities that can be done concurrently.
When would you use laddering in a network diagram? Give an example, different from the one provided in the chapter, and draw the corresponding network diagram.
Why would you recommend project management software to someone involved in project management? What features and benefits does it provide?
Draw a network diagram representing the following logic: as the project starts, activities A and B can be performed concurrently. When activity A is finished, activities C and D can start. When activity B is finished, activities E and F can start. When activities D and E are finished, activity G can start. The project is complete when activities C, F, and G are finished.
Draw a network diagram representing the following information: the project starts with three activities—A, B, and C—which can be done concurrently. When A is finished, D can start; when B is finished, F can start; when B and D are finished, E can start. The project is complete when C, E, and F are finished.
Draw a network diagram that represents the following information system development task list.


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