What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and how


What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and how do these differences impact microbial life?
Explain the process of bacterial conjugation and its significance in microbial genetics.
Describe the structure and function of bacterial cell walls. How do antibiotics like penicillin target bacterial cell walls?
What is the significance of plasmids in microbial genetics? How do they contribute to bacterial antibiotic resistance?
Discuss the mechanisms by which bacteria acquire antibiotic resistance genes. How does horizontal gene transfer play a role in this process?
Compare and contrast the modes of action of bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics.
Explain the concept of microbial pathogenesis. What are the main virulence factors that contribute to microbial pathogenicity?
Discuss the role of biofilms in microbial communities. How do biofilms contribute to microbial resistance to antibiotics and host immune responses?


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