Unit 1 Read Chapter 2 – 3 in OpenStax. Each response should be a well-rounded wi


Unit 1
Read Chapter 2 – 3 in OpenStax. Each response should be a well-rounded with examples, details and your own perspective. Whenever you use a short point from OpenStax, always use it with quotes and a footnote showing which section you pulled the quote from (example: OpenStax 3.1) .
You may copy and paste up to a sentence, but you may not copy and paste an entire paragraph. See Announcement for a visual example. Chapter 2
1) What was the need for certain European countries to explore and expand their empires? How do you think this affects us today?
2) Provide some details of Spanish exploration in the Americas. Discuss what they were looking for and how they established power. 3) With so much religious upheaval in Europe, what were these religious groups looking for? Include discussion of Protestant Reformation and how this movement influenced the development of North America. Chapter 3
4) In contrast to the Spanish colonies, discuss how did the French and Dutch colonies in North America establish themselves?
5) Describe the first makings of English settlements in America. Include discussion on the early rise of slavery. 6) With all this chaos with different European countries seeking to establish a new empire in the Americas, how does this effect the indigenous people already living here? You may use examples from both Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.


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