this is a biodiversity lab that consist of 2 parts I attached all the instructio


this is a biodiversity lab that consist of 2 parts I attached all the instruction handouts 1 part 1 and part 2 I did all the labs and I’ll attach all the data I got from doing each step of the lab I need you to go over it and make sure everything is good and answer the question for the report the question are gonna be the last file I attached everything else is all the information that was provided to me to do the assignment and all the date I got after doing all the steps please take your time reading over all the steps and all the file I believe all the files are label the same way they are mention of the handouts so you can follow along easier its a simple assignment and everything is done go over it and fix anything you think is not correct and answer the question for the report I don’t need any files as I don’t have to submit anything beside the question feel free to contact me for any clarification but again everything is straight forward and indicated on the handouts sorry for the long list of file but I couldn’t uploed them as 1 file for the file mention in the handout please do your best it might seem like a lot but is not as all of the work is basically just need patiantece to be done thanks in advance
Comments from Customer
hello, please go over every detail of the assignment and make sure everything is completed accordingly. If there are any mistakes on the work I did fix them and finish the assignment. If need to go ahead and do it from scratch to make sure to use the stuff assigned to me. If any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, but there shouldn’t be any questions as the instructions posted are evident. Thanks in advance, I really need a minimum of a C+ on this assignment


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