Team Discussion for Module 5 Question prompt/summary Part 1: Complete the follow


Team Discussion for Module 5
Question prompt/summary
Part 1:
Complete the following worksheet for each of the four major functions of behavior, using a behavior of one or a member of the Team. Function of BehaviorBehaviorEstablishing Operation (EO)Discriminative Stimulus (SD)S-DeltaReinforcing Consequence
Automatic Positive
Dr. B drives to convenience store
Deprivation from Diet Coke makes fountain Diet Coke valuable and evokes driving to the store behavior.The keys to the car are in the bowl by the front door.The keys are missing/someone else has the car.Dr. B gets to drink a fountain Diet Coke.
Social Positive
Social Negative
Automatic Positive
Automatic Negative
Part 2:
Refer to the Anecdotal-to ABC chart conversion on page 57 of Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2020.
Review the data as collected and discuss possible functions. Consensus must be achieved on a single function for Student 4’s behavior (list).
Describe why your Team identified the function that you did.
Discuss why this single observation would be insufficient to definitively determine the function (3 reasons).


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