Students are tasked with interviewing a business leader in their field or indust


Students are tasked with interviewing a business leader in their field or industry and presenting their insights to the class. Requirements for this assignment include:
Choose a person who manages people and is the responsible person leading a division or department with a company.
Students, in advance of the interview, will prepare a series of questions related to management and leadership, conduct the interview, and present their insights to the class.
It’s recommended students choose someone they know. Perhaps this is their manager at work or a family friend. Alternatively, students can visit local business in Rockford to seek out a interviewee. The deliverable for this assignment is a PowerPoint presentation. Requirements for this deliverable include:
Presentation of insight gleaned from interview to the class (15-20 minutes)
PowerPoint slide deck (8-10 slides) uploaded to Canvas by the due date
The attached guide is available.
Leadership Interview Guide.docx


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