SBS – MBA Assignment – 2024 ________________________________________ _____


Assignment – 2024
All assignments are to be submitted on 15th February 2024 on
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If a program participant submits the assignment late, but within 1 week after the submission date a 20%penalty will be
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Any rescheduling request can be fulfilled within one week after the actual date of the assessment. Anylate request will
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Second extension cannot be provided without supporting documentary evidence.
Program participants are strongly advised to keep a copy of their work in case the submitted copy shouldgo astray.
PS. Kindly note to adhere to all the above instructions. Failing to read this, ATMS will not be responsible for anyactions taken.
Total Marks / 90
Plagiarism is defined as providing material from an uncredited source, or without the acknowledgementof the original author.
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Plagiarism may have many forms including but not limited to:
o Outright copying another author’s work without acknowledgement
o Cut and paste without the correct citation and acknowledgement.
o Copying key words but changing the sentence structure without crediting theoriginal source
o Copying the sentence structure but changing some words without crediting theoriginal source
o Following the structure or organization of another author’s work, or order ofpresentation of ideas
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o Falsifying results
The plagiarism tolerance for MBA is 8 %.
In cases where the plagiarism percentage exceeds the tolerance, students are given a second chance to rework on their
assignments and submit. However, if the percentage continues to exceed the tolerance percentage the student will be
awarded one grade lower than the originalgrade achieved.
Case Study Questions- Answer ALL questions
Student must include in his/her answer some supporting elements which may include examples from
work, cases studies, textbook, lectures, internet search etc. with appropriate referencing.
Apply all tasks 1-9 to Amazon. Wordcount: 2500-3000 words (approx. 250- 300 words / question).
Apply the 3 activities of Information Systems to Amazon. Describe the details and elements of each
activity and give examples.
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic sources such as
the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
(cover 3 activities– theoretical; apply to Amazon)
(10 marks)
2. Discuss what business intelligence sources could be used by Amazon by drawing on their key
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic sources such as
the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
(define business intelligence– theoretical; apply to Amazon)
(10 marks)
Apply Porter’s Five Forces analytical framework to Amazon. Your answer should include critical
elements supported with evidence/ justification.
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic sources such as
the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
(discuss the Porter’s 5 forces model – theoretical perspective; apply to Amazon)
(10 marks)
Discuss at least three types of security issues that Amazon might encounter with the technology it
has and how to protect itself.
(discuss security issues with a focus on three key issues + how to protect itself; apply the three key
issues to Amazon and how to protect itself)
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic sources such as
the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
TOTAL: 90 marks
(10 marks)
Discuss how Amazon uses Cloud Computing by drawing on its advantages and disadvantages.
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic sources such as the
website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
(discuss from a theoretical perspective with advantages and disadvantages –Cloud Computing; apply to
(10 marks)
Information ethics govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use
of information technologies, as well as the creation, collection, duplication, distribution, and
processing of information itself (with or without the aid of computer technologies). Ethical
dilemmas in this area usually arise not as simple, clear-cut situations but as clashes between
competing goals, responsibilities, and loyalties. Inevitably, there will be more than one
socially acceptable or “correct” decision. For this reason, acting ethically and legally are not
always the same.
Describe briefly 5 e-policies Amazon should implement to protect themselves.
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic sources such
as the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
(discuss e-policies from an academic perspective and analyse what Amazon can use to protect
7. Discuss the three areas for maintaining MIS infrastructure in Amazon.
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and
non-academic sources such as the website of the company, other sites,
news, media sources etc.)
(discussion of three areas for maintaining MIS infrastructure- theoretical
perspective and applied to Amazon)
(10 marks)
(10 marks)
Define Database Management Systems (DBMS) and critically evaluate how Amazon use
(define DBMS and evaluate how DBMS is used/ could be used in Amazon)
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic
sources such as the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
(10 marks)
Discuss how the four components of MIS add value to Amazon.
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic sources such as
the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
(discuss the 4 components of MIS – theoretical perspective; apply to Amazon)
(ex. Use a mix of academic sources such as books, journal articles and non-academic
sources such as the website of the company, other sites, news, media sources etc.)
Suggested structure:
Title Page
Table of contents
Introduction ( state the aim of the case study, present the structure of the case
study; overview to chosen company )
Tasks 1-9
References List ( full reference)
Ladon and Ladon (2018). Management .. ed. …
1. Smartinsights (2022). “Amazon AWS”, (Available at:
business-revenue-models/amazon-case-study/ )
(Accessed on : 17th June, 2023).
(10 marks)
Useful links for Amazon case study:


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