RM Assignment –Proposal template (Word Length 4000 (10% deviation allowed)) Co


RM Assignment –Proposal template
(Word Length 4000 (10% deviation allowed))
Cover Page
Research title ( Keep this short and simple) Module name Student Name and ID Date of submission Abstract (Guidelines for number of words – 200-250 words)
Table of contents
1. Introduction (Guidelines for number of words – 800-1000)
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Benefit or significance of the research
1.4 Motivation (Optional) 1.5 Research Aim- use the active verb.
1.6 Research Objectives – use the active verbs.
2. Literature review (Guidelines for number of words – 1800-2000)
Provide an Introduction Write the literature review based on the themes from the Topic of your research with appropriate reference citation.
Write the Research gap / Summarise the important theories.
3. Research Methodology **
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Philosophy
3.2 Research Approach
3.3 Research Strategy – explain how the research will be conducted.
3.4 Research Design – explain what type of design will be selected.
3.5 Data Collection- explain how the data will be collected, the sources etc.
3.6 Data Analysis- explain how the data will be analysed.
3.7 Ethical Considerations
3.8 Reliability and Validity
3.9 Time plan (Gantt Chart) (this could be in the main report or in the appendix) Conclusion and potential outcomes **
**(Guidelines for number of words 1000-1200 for Section 3 including conclusion section)
The List at the end of the work:
Alphabetical order/Second names first/initial(s) only for first name(s), etc.
+ other techniques.
Do not number or bullet point the List
Do not sub-divide the List
Remember in-text (throughout the work) referencing again in Harvard style.
Important point in the Research Methodology section: (For the subsections – Research Philosophy, Research Approach, Research Design, Data collection and Data Analysis – Write a few lines about the types and then provide justification for your choice).
E.g.: Research Philosophy:
Write about the main types of research philosophies Interpretivism and positivism, explain what you chose and justify your choice of philosophy.
Repeat the same for format for each of the other layers of the Research Onion.


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