Research your artwork online or using the school library. Be sure to use reputab


Research your artwork online or using the school library. Be sure to use reputable sources: museum websites are always a good choice. Avoid using blogs or sites like Wikipedia or Compose a four-paragraph analysis of your chosen artwork. The first paragraph should consist of formal analysis (visual description) of the artwork. The second paragraph should consist of a discussion of the subject matter of the artwork. The third paragraph should focus on the historical context of the artwork. The fourth paragraph should conclude your analysis, and tie all of the other paragraphs together. It should also include you own opinion about the artwork.
Format requirements: your assignment should be double-spaced and use 12 pt font. You should document all of your research sources in a bibliography at the end. If you quote or paraphrase a source, you should cite it within the text. My general rules for research (which will apply to every assignment that includes research) can be accessed here: Three Rules for Research


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