Participate in a discussion outside of the class about Cultural Relativism, Divi


Participate in a discussion outside of the class about Cultural Relativism, Divine Command theory or the ethical implications of Capitalism. It can be a discussion about an argument we considered, or one of the many we didn’t. It can be a participation in a discussion on an online forum, a comment on some online content, a letter to the editor of a magazine (print or online), a call to a radio host, a discussion with a person (not enrolled in this class), or something else I haven’t thought of. If the medium is online or in text submit a screenshot or picture of the conversation or of your contribution. If the discussion is out loud then submit an audio recording, a video, or a typed transcript of your conversation. Whatever the medium of your conversation, please make your contribution civil and substantial. To be civil, please do not attack people personally, ridicule them with sarcasm, or belittle their beliefs (however wrong you think they are or however uncivil they are to you). To be substantial, make a claim and defend it with evidence. If you are in agreement with someone, don’t just report that you are; give some additional reason for your support. If you disagree, respectfully say why you disagree and give some evidence. If you are asking someone for an explanation, try to say what is misleading or confusing and why it is.
If you are submitting something written, please write clearly, thoughtfully and grammatically. If your contribution is spoken, please speak clearly, concisely and grammatically. I’ll grade your assignment out of six points: three for completion (without plagiarism), one for thoughtfulness, one for clarity, and one for mechanics (spelling and grammar) and following instructions.
Please take your time and make your contribution thoughtful.


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