Following up on your eCommerce idea in Assignment #1 (or perhaps your idea has s


Following up on your eCommerce idea in Assignment #1 (or perhaps your idea has since evolved), choose 1 company that your company would be in direct competition with.
This assignment should be built in PowerPoint (or Google Slides) as a presentation deck and saved as a PDF. That being said, keep the content straightforward and include plenty of supporting imagery and screenshots for your call-outs. The more the better and make the appropriate notes.
Please make your first page the name of your company and a brief summary of your business. This will help me understand why you are competing with your chosen company.
I’d like for you to do a website review of your competitor and it should highlight the follow information. Consider making a different slide for each of the topics below and make sure each has supporting images: Brand Name, URL, brief company history
Why is this brand a direct competitor to your company?
Who is this brand’s main demographic/psychographic?
Website Aesthetic (colors, mood, style, vibe, type of images/content, etc)
Website Call-Outs Review every page of their website both technically in functionality and visually in content and presentation. What does the brand do well? What does it not do well in? What are areas that you will probably want to borrow for your site?
Any initial marketing strategy call-out
Example uploaded


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