An artist statement reveals your philosophy, why you do what you do— your themes


An artist statement reveals your philosophy, why you do what you do— your themes, processes, obsessions and all the other details your audience needs to know (p91 AAGW)
It should clearly address:
What is your work? bringing black ballroom culture and voguing into a concert space
What do you create? I create works that pushes the the boundaries of tradition dance styles and what is considered concert dance.
Why is what you create important to you as an artist? it is important to create this work to celebrate and bring awareness to this marginalized community and share the history of this culture through its movement vocabulary
Why does what you do matter in the world? this matters in the world because everyone community deserver be valued the same and all style of dance and culture should hold the same space in this world.
Why might other people connect to it? other people will connect with my work because maybe they have felt left behind and not celebrated for their differences and they will be able to build on the work I create and make the message stronger for all marginalized communities (p120 MYLAAA)
It should fulfill the following writing standards:
Grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax are correct
The writing is efficient, clear and to the point
The writing uses specificity of detail as appropriate and avoids generalizations
The writing is organized logically and develops easily from one sentence and paragraph to the next
The writing is engaging and the tone effective
I have included the book reference with the page numbers and I have attached a example used in class with this link :


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