1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with 3 sections as per the following requir


1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with 3 sections as per the following requirements:
a) Summarize ALL of the various types of rotary drilling rigs discussed in Chapter 4 of the
textbook. Do some online searching and include pictures of each type of rig in your
b) Create ONE rig profile for a land, barge, jackup, submersible, semisubmersible, or drillship
type drilling rig (just one rig profile is needed for this assignment, NOT one for every rig type).
At a minimum, the rig profile should include a rig photo, the rig specifications, and the
company that owns the rig. Keep in mind that minimum effort results in earning a minimum
grade of a “C” on this assignment. Examples of rig profiles can be found on the drilling rig
contractor websites.
c) Create a list of services that might be contracted by the operator to drill a well using the rig in
your rig profile.
The following writing aids are located in the top block of Canvas to help the student with the
spelling and use of oil and gas industry terms, and to assist students in designing PowerPoint
• SPE Style Guide
• PowerPoint Guidelines
I am not requiring a minimum number of slides for the PPT. However, how well you cover the
required reading material will be considered in your assignment grade. Always remember that more
pages are not necessarily better when creating PPT presentations. Use the link in the Module 2
block of Canvas to submit your Module 2 assignment by the due date listed in the Course Calendar
The types of drilling rigs I need to cover are: 1) Land rig
2) Offshore jackup rig 3) Inland barge rig
4) Submersible rig
5)Semi-submersible (Floating Unit) I have no preference as to which one the writer decides to use for a rig profile Please include picture


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