1. Download Tutorial 1 Grading Rubric into a directory in your computer or exter


1. Download Tutorial 1 Grading Rubric into a directory in your computer or external drive that is called MIS 2312-01. You will need to follow the Grading Rubric for this Web Development Project that is called Curbside Thai Web Site Development.
2. Inside MIS 2312-01 directory, create a sub-directory and call it HTML01
3. Download html01.zip into the sub-directory, HTML01
4. Unzip html01.zip into the same HTML01 directory.
5. Open notepad++ editor. This is the only editor that is permitted for the course. Install only version 8.5 or higher (64-bit). It is a free download at http://notepad-plus-plus.org/Links to an external site.
6. Follow the step-by-step instructions in your main text book to build the Curbside Thai Web Site using the set of files provided to you in the “Tutorial” folder of the HTML01 sub-folder.
Testing the Web Application: When you have completed coding your application; test it with Google Chrome browser (instructor will use Google Chrome to test your application).
Submitting the Web Application on Canvas: Make sure to save and close all files. Package your application by selecting all the files in the HTML01.ZIP folder and create a .ZIP file (instructor will demonstrate an example in class on how to create a .ZIP file). Call the .ZIP file HTML01.ZIP; replace with your own last name. Submit HTML01.ZIP in Canvas for grading.


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