Question: “An employer is entitled to expect ordinary robustness from its employ


Question: “An employer is entitled to expect ordinary robustness from its employees (…)Correction and instruction are necessary in the functioning of any workplace and these are required to avoid accidents and to ensure that productive work is engaged in. It may be necessary to point to faults. It may be necessary to bring home a point by requesting engagement in an unusual task or longer or unsocial hours. It is a kindness to attempt to instil a work ethic or to save a job or a career by an early intervention. Bullying is not about being tough on employees. Appropriate interventions may not be pleasant and must simply be taken in the right spirit. Sometimes a disciplinary intervention may be necessary.” (Charleton J.)
Ruffley v. Board of Management of Saint Anne’s School [2017] IESC 33 at para.19.
Critically discuss the above statement in the context IRSH Employment Law (use the slides I have attached when using any cases. You may refer to an article online but again it must be in the context of Irish employment law, I would like you to footnote to one of the books in the second last slide also). Please refer to at least one case AND at least one academic article to support your answer. Please ensure that you furnish a short bibliography for this discussion and that your work is properly referenced and footnoted in accordance with the UCC Skills Booklet which I will provide in the doc attached. Your ability to critically analyse material should be demonstrated throughout your work and not left solely for your conclusion. Some tips on critical analysis have been posted on Canvas to assist you.
If you are mentioning a case mention it in the context of the question. No need to go into detail about the facts of the case. I have also provided a tips document which I will attach in the context of the question. For referencing footnotes and bibliography : Use OSCOLA Method and look at doc provided on Skills booklet


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