Please see attached files Comments from Customer For the Interview Questionnaire


Please see attached files
Comments from Customer
For the Interview Questionnaire:
Please only use ONE of the two questionnaires (there is a separate set of questions for couples vs families). You must interview either a couple (not including yourself and your spouse) or a family (parent(s) + participating child(ren) must be present). Important: If you are interviewing a couple (no children participating), you must use the Couples Interview Questionnaire. If you are interviewing a family (single parent + participating child(ren) or parents + participating child(ren)) , you must use the Family Interview Questionnaire. To be clear, children must answer each question in the family interview. You may also add additional questions as you see fit (note: please do not ask questions regarding to sensitive topics such as sexual practices), but at a minimum you must ask all the questions provided in the guide.
Note: This link contains both sets of questionnaires. Remember to only choose the appropriate one to use (based on criteria above) and that if you are interviewing a family, the parent(s) + child(ren) (not babies or toddlers) must participate. Responses to each question should be thorough and detailed. If not, it is customary for the interviewer to probe and ask for details/clarification. Remember, the more detailed the responses, the more you have to work with for your final paper (critical assignment part 2).


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