Overview To be ready to begin your clinical practice, you must teach at least on


Overview To be ready to begin your clinical practice, you must teach at least one small group and one whole group lesson in the first week. This lesson should focus on Student Development, Standard 1. If you have been the teacher of record since the beginning of the school year, you will already have been exposed to most of the information in this standard. However, if you are just beginning to work with a class, this standard will help you develop a profile of your students. Your instructor will be sharing sample case studies in the virtual class this week. Based on the challenges you face in the classroom during clinical practice, you will also be sharing a student case study with your cohort in the coming weeks. In this activity, you will plan two lessons to be taught the first week of Module 8. Determine whether you will teach a small group or whole class lesson first and second. Decide the lesson’s objective. Gather any materials, resources, or technology you will need to present in both lesson. no particular order. Plan for follow-up or independent practice activities. Performance outcomes Plan a lesson with a small group and one for whole class and record your actions and implementation of lesson plan What will you do? Write two detailed lesson plan for the lesson you plan to video in your first week of clinical practice. You must use the TEACH-NOW lesson plan template in the resources to plan your lesson based on the relevant objective(s) to be covered during the week. This template was designed to train you to think about all of the planning areas involved when developing your lesson. Your lesson plan should clearly indicate where Standard 1, Student Development, is addressed. Include a description of follow-up or independent practice activities. Also, remember to design your lesson keeping all the varied learners’ needs in mind. Gather the materials, resources, or technology you plan to use in the lesson and discuss the lesson plan and arrangement of the required materials with your mentor. Write or record a video summary of your lesson plan discussion with the mentor. Report requirements: (my classes are child safety, Safeguarding Detailed lesson plans using the template, attach PPT you will use in class & any additional technology you want use (1 plan for whole class) (1 plan for small group class) Summary notes or video of the lesson plan discussion with the mentor (create one as if a meeting took place) Notes: Note that when you video record this lesson next week, it will be your baseline video.


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