Module 4 Db – Research Design Development 1 ORIGINAL POST Use this template for


Module 4 Db – Research Design Development 1
Use this template for your original post e.g. once written, just copy and paste the template (with section headings) into your Db post and also attach it. Beware that neither edits nor additional submissions in the discussion boards in this course will be allowed (only the first original post and original reply posts will be graded | If you cite external material, use Guide to APSA Style Basics Links to an external site.; you might also use this: APSA 2018 References & Citations – Front-End Style Guide
Most research done by undergraduate students is typically a miniaturized literature review on a political science topic. We build on that experience in this course to develop a potential project research design that incorporates scholarship with hypotheses and data. Designing a research project about UFOs involves several key steps, from refining your research question to collecting and analyzing data. While you will not be writing a research paper for this course, this Db requires you to declare a potential research question if you were to conduct and write a research paper about UFOs; and then specify two independent variables (X1 and X2) and one dependent variable (Y). For example, you may want to explore how an individual’s partisanship and their religion might affect that person’s perception of government reports of UFOs. Using this as an example, an individual’s partisanship (X1) and their religion (X2) might affect that person’s perception of how the government has reported on its investigations of UFOs (Y).
This M4 Db is the first step in developing a research design that utilizes appropriate social science methods for the study of politics and UFOs. So choose a topic (a dependent variable) that you find interesting, and it does not have to be any of those listed in Table 1. Nonetheless, Table 1 provides the list of topical subjects that we will cover in this course this semester. Indeed, your topic of interest may itself be about the problems of how to study UFOs with so little available data – I hope this helps you think about the topic of a research question that interests you.
Table 1. Course Topics
Module 1: Sovereignty, Power, and Constitutionalism
Module 2: Official Disinformation | UFO Disclosure
Module 3: Resource Evaluation | Professional Political Science Module 4: Empiricism | Social Science
Module 5: UFOs and Religion
Module 6: Lies | Deception
Module 8: Professionalizing UFO Research
Module 9: Conspiracies and Rule of Law
Module 10: PSYOPs and the Security State
Module 11: Meaning, Morality, and Astroethics
Module 12: Pseudoscience | Social Science
Module 13: Exopolitics | Interplanetary Diplomacy | Technology
Module 14: Cosmological Imperialism
This Db requires the following two elements:
1) Formulating a clear research question. For example: What are some common factors influencing whether a person believes UFOs are extraterrestrial aliens? You would then identify and define at least two specific objectives of your research, such as understanding the drivers of a person’s beliefs UFOs are (or are not) aliens and/or comparing these beliefs across different demographic groups of people.
2) Specified variables: two independent variables (X1 and X2) and one dependent variable (Y)
For this Db original post, you may utilize any resources including ChatGPT (but not fellow students in this course). However, you cannot use any Artificial Intelligence for reply posts. By submitting work, you are committing to your chosen topic for the rest of the semester. If you have any questions about this assignment, do NOT ask other students but instead, post it to the FAQ Db and Dr. Prier will answer it there when he has been properly notified via email.


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