Instructions: In one file, write programs for the tasks below and upload the fil


Instructions: In one file, write programs for the tasks below and upload the file (.py) to Canvas In the top comments section of the file, please include your name, the date, and the assignment number. While you don’t have to add comments for every line of code, please include comments to tell a reader what you are doing. Commenting your code also suggests to me that you know what you are doing.
Remember there is no one way to do things. What matters is that it runs and gives the correct output.
Using python: Write a program that loops through the string ’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’ and creates a list of individual letter strings, i.e., [“a”, “b”…., “z”]. Next, using the index command, write a loop that finds the element locations of all the letters in your first name “mina” and adds them together. That is, you want to find the number values of each letter and get the sum. Note that when getting the values, you want to assign a=1, b=2…, and z=26. For example, if your name is “abe” the output would be 8 (1+2+5).
First, create a list with five street names in your neighborhood (leaving off the street type). For example, for “Main Street” just type “Main” in the list. Second, create a list with the names of three pets (either your pets or pets you know). Then using the print command, print out the second name of the pets list and the fifth street name in the same print command. By the way, this is your new Hollywood actor name!
Write a program where you have a user input a temperature (from 0 to 100). Then have the program tell the user if that temperature is “cold,” “mild” or “hot.” Say, below 50 is cold, from 50 to 70 is mild, and above 70 is hot.
Have a user input a list of five integers between 1 and 26. Find the letters that corresponds to these numbers (a=1, b=2…) and print out the word that the numbers create. For example, if the user inputs [3,1,2] the output is “cab.” Required for MA Students (but extra credit for undergrads).
1.Have a user input a list of five integers between 1 and 26. Find the letters that corresponds to these numbers (a=1, b=2…) and print out the word that the numbers create. For example, if the user inputs [3,1,2] the output is “cab.” Big warning: Don’t use CHATGPT and the codes for abeginner.


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