Every business student (and probably everybody who actually works) should have a


Every business student (and probably everybody who actually works) should have a basic familiarity with the laws and concepts that govern the employment relationship — unions, collective bargaining, employee rights, workers’ compensation, workplace safety. From your readings the past few weeks. Answer the following questions:
What are the two [three, four, five] most significant [central, useful, meaningful, surprising, disturbing] things you have learned so far this term in regard to labor management relations? THINGS COVERED SO FAR :collective bargaining, detailed union contracts, and private sector union density decline. the Wagner Act, Taft–Hartley Act, and Landrum–Griffin Act.
What question(s) remain uppermost in your mind?
Now find a case that speaks to you. State -What is the law in the case you have found?Links to an external site.
Discuss why this case speaks to you.
Submit this in an APA formatted paper 1 to 2 pages to the drop box in the classroom. Follow the grade rubric for full points


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