© Dr. Sheri Longboat, Wilfrid Laurier University, Winter 2024 5 The Structure of


© Dr. Sheri Longboat, Wilfrid Laurier University, Winter 2024 5
The Structure of Your Assignment:
A few notes:
1. You must complete your assignment in no more than eight (8) pages single-spaced. This
includes your title page, the four (4) required figures from the Atlas of Canada, and a
references section.
2. You must use APA formatting for your title page, citations, and references. APA formatting
guidelines can be found on the Purdue website:
de/general_format.html (note the left navigation bar)
3. All figures must have captions and be properly sourced. Also refer to the Purdue website
noted above for details on how to do a figure caption.
While there is some flexibility, your assignment should include the following sections and sub –
sections, where appropriate:
1. Cover Page (1 page)
2. Introduction (1/2 page)
a. Your introduction should introduce readers to your selected community and include
important social-demographic and environmental characteristics.
3. Historic Climate Trends (1 page)
a. Using the Canadian Climate Atlas, what are the historical climate trends for your
community? You must include figure(s) here using the Atlas.
4. Future Climate Change (2 pages)
a. Using the Canadian Climate Atlas, what are the future climate change projections for
your community? You must include figure(s) here using the Atlas.
5. Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts (2 pages)
© Dr. Sheri Longboat, Wilfrid Laurier University, Winter 2024 6
a. Based on Sections 2 and 3, identify and explain three (3) priority impacts for your
b. This section should be supported using the resources above, and other resources that
you locate on your own.
c. At the end of this section, you should include one paragraph on data uncertainty. How
certain are you of the projected changes in climate and impacts? Does it matter?
6. Summary and Conclusions (1/2 page)
a. What did you learn about climate change and your community? Based on your
interpretations of climate trends and projections, and new understandings of impacts,
should climate change a priority issue for your community? Why or why not?
7. List of References (1 page)
a. You must cite between 12 – 15 sources.
b. Your list of references should use APA formatting. If your reference list is less than 1
page, you may take advantage of this space elsewhere in your report


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