Considering the workplace area you chose in the week 2 discussion, select one gr


Considering the workplace area you chose in the week 2 discussion, select one growth mindset tool you can apply this week to go beyond your comfort zone (Add the extra effort, be comfortable with being uncomfortable, add a “yet,” Chapter 5, page 5.6).
What tool did you choose to develop a growth mindset?
How will using the tool help to build your confidence in the area you chose in week 2?
Respond to one or more of your classmates’ posts.
Before you post, remember these rules:
Professionalism: Using personal examples within discussions is encouraged in the course. However, please remember to share only appropriate topics that you might also share with a colleague, potential employer, or professor. Ask yourself, “Would I share this example in an interview?” If the answer is no, refrain from sharing it here.
Respond with respect: Respond to at least one learner in the class by offering thoughtful ideas and respectfully asking follow-up questions. This is a learning community where your peers and myself will learn and grow from reading your posts. Be mindful of your tone when responding to the main prompt and your peers.
Proofread: While discussions are less formal than papers, this is an academic environment, and your writing will be assessed. Please be careful to check your grammar/spelling.


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