Case Study: Trevor Assignment Instructions Overview This Case Study: Trevor Ass


Case Study: Trevor Assignment Instructions
This Case Study: Trevor Assignment is to recognize issues that arise in early childhood classrooms and use available scholarly sources to understand and react in a positive manner that will positively benefit the children.
Scenario: Trevor is a four-year-old male in a privately owned daycare. There are 15 students and two adults in this preschool room. Trevor has focusing and behavioral issues that cause the teacher to stop teaching and working with other children to keep him safe. He throws objects in the room, screams and hits other kids, and cries frequently. The owner of the daycare has received many complaints from parents who are threatening to move their kids to another daycare center. Trevor’s mother thinks that he is “all boy” and will grow out of this stage.
For this Case Study: Trevor Assignment, write a three-page paper (body of paper) using the textbook or other research-based articles doing the following:
• The first page will be the title page.
• The next pages will be the body of the paper.
• The first paragraph will briefly describe the scenario.
• The second paragraph will discuss what you would do as the teacher in this room. How would you handle Trevor? How would you help the other students deal with Trevor’s behavior? Start the paragraph with, “As the teacher in this classroom . . .”
• The third paragraph will discuss what you would say to Trevor’s parents. Start the paragraph with, “When talking to Trevor’s parents . . . “
• The fourth paragraph will discuss how you would feel and what you might do if you were a parent of another student in Trevor’s class. Start the paragraph with, “As a parent of a student in Trevor’s room . . .”
• The fifth paragraph will reflect upon the entire class and how all students are affected by Trevor. Also, discuss how the other students can accept and react toward Trevor.
• In the sixth paragraph, you will write a summary to conclude this paper. Start the paragraph with “In conclusion . . . “
• The last page is the references page.
Some helpful hints include:
• The first and last paragraphs must contain at least three sentences. The introduction and conclusion paragraphs state facts and avoid opinions. Save those for the middle paragraphs.
• The middle paragraphs contain the details that support the main idea in the first paragraph. They should contain at least five sentences.
• The beginning of each paragraph is the main idea of that paragraph. When the main idea changes, you start a new paragraph.
• Use current APA formatting.
Note:one of the sources must be the Bible Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


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