Background For the signature assignment, you will develop an Action Plan for a n


For the signature assignment, you will develop an Action Plan for a new managerial business initiative you want to start. You will be creating this action plan to pitch to senior leadership as well as a manual to execute the plan. Please follow all bulleted instructions below.
Pick an industry and company type you’d like to manage for. The construct is set as a new “managerial business initiative” in an existing business.
Your Action Plan is to be well-thought out and specific to the chosen industry:
Action Plan for Managerial Business Initiative
Title PageUse APA format. Refer to the APA sample paper in the ‘Getting Started’ section and the ‘Course resources’ tab.
Table of ContentsResearch and apply APA format for a table of contents.
IntroductionProvide an introduction summarize the key points of your action plan.
PurposeState the purpose of the operation manual. Choose and outline your change proposal. Detail the management theory to be used and any innovative ideas in the manual.
BackgroundDescribe the background of your company, the industry, products and services, customer base, and sales methods (e.g., retail, online and other).
ScopeDetail the new operation, including products, services, supplies, human resource plan, stakeholders, cost structure, and expected savings.
ProceduresList 7-10 steps to integrate the new operation in a bulleted or numbered format.
Ethical Decision-MakingAddress how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will be implemented. Describe communication strategies for inclusive change.
Employee MotivationExplain strategies to maintain motivation during changes. Detail handling of complaints, questions, training, and incentives.
ConclusionProvide a conclusion that summarize the key points of your action plan.
LengthMinimum of 5 pages, excluding title, table of contents and references page.
ReferencesMinimum 3 resources from the National University library, within the last 3 years (does not need to be “Peer reviewed).
FormattingAdhere to APA 7th edition format and citation guidelines.
Formatting: Adheres to APA 7th edition format and citation guidelines. Please take a few minutes to watch this video created by Dr. Richard Sands on proper APA formatting for written reports. Video:
This assignment is worth 150 points and is due by Sunday at 11:59 PM PT. Assignment Evaluation Criteria
Assignment SectionGrading CriteriaPercentageComments
Purpose, Background, and ScopeAction Plan Explanation35%Provide a thorough explanation.
Procedures, Ethical Decision Making, Employee MotivationEvaluate, Interpret, and Analyze25%This category addresses use of evidence and ability to detect extrinsic relationships that may affect the assignment topic.
Ethical Decision-MakingEthics & Inclusion10%This category addresses diverse thinking and open-minded exploration of conflicting hypotheses.
Overall Approach and Innovative IdeasCreative Thinking10%This category address’s ability to weigh alternative hypotheses and present informed decision making.
Academic Writing, Mechanics, Grammar, & SyntaxAcademic Writing10%Completeness of your written assignment.
Title Page, Table of Contents, Overall FormattingFormatting: Adheres to APA 7th edition format and citation guidelines.10%Adhering to the APA formatting standards.
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Rubric Name: Mgt309_L4_rubric
CriteriaOutstanding (90%-100%)Good (80%-89%)
Passing (70%-79%)
Deficient (60%-69%)
Failure (0%-59%)
Criterion Score
Action plan contains a thorough explanation of the purpose, background, and scope. (35%)
52.5 points
The assignment response demonstrates an exceptionally developed discussion of Action plan explanation of the purpose, background, and scope. The assignment instructions are followed. Relevant terms are clearly operationalized and interpreted with nuance of understanding. Assignment instructions are minimally or not followed. 39.37 points
The assignment response demonstrates a fully developed discussion of Action plan explanation of the purpose, background, and scope
The assignment instructions are followed. Relevant terms are operationalized and interpreted. Assignment instructions are minimally followed. 26.25 points
Assignment response demonstrates a clear discussion of Action plan explanation of the purpose, background, and scope
Assignment instructions are followed. Relevant terms are identified and operationalized. 13.12 points
Discussion of the assignment topic is unclear and demonstrates minimal understanding of Action plan explanation of the purpose, background, and scope. Assignment instructions are minimally followed. The assignment instructions are followed. Relevant terms are operationalized and interpreted. 0 points
Discussion demonstrates a weak or unclear understanding of the Action plan explanation of the purpose, background, and scope or indication of unpreparedness in developing the assignment response.
Assignment instructions are minimally or not followed. The assignment instructions are followed. Relevant terms are clearly operationalized and interpreted with nuance of understanding. Score of Action plan contains a thorough explanation of the purpose, background, and scope. (35%),
/ 52.5
Evaluate, Interpret, and Analyze (25%) This category addresses use of evidence and ability to detect extrinsic relationships that may affect the assignment topic.
37.5 points
The assignment response demonstrates an exceptionally developed discussion of Action plan explanation of the purpose, background, and scope. The assignment instructions are followed. Assignment response includes critical analysis and a comprehensive synthesis of complex information. Assignment response is based on in-depth evaluation and interpretation of three or more relevant literature sources beyond weekly required sources. Integral relationships essential to the issue are assessed in depth.
Integral relationships essential to the issue are not recognized.
28.12 points
Assignment response includes a clear critical analysis of complex information. Assignment response is based on evaluation and interpretation of at least two relevant literature sources beyond assignment required sources. Integral relationships essential to the issue are explored. 18.75 points
Assignment response includes critical synthesis of complex information. Assignment response is based on evaluation and interpretation limited to assignment required sources. Integral relationships essential to the issue are acknowledged. 9.38 points
Assignment response includes reiteration of assignment required sources. Integral relationships essential to the issue are minimally recognized. 0 points
Discussion includes reiteration of few assignment sources. Integral relationships essential to the issue are not recognized.
Score of Evaluate, Interpret, and Analyze (25%) This category addresses use of evidence and ability to detect extrinsic relationships that may affect the assignment topic.,
/ 37.5
Ethics & Inclusion (10%) This category addresses diverse thinking and open-minded exploration of conflicting hypotheses.
15 points
Assignment response demonstrates comparative and contrasting interpretations of multiple fact-based world views. Recognition of plausible bias is demonstrated, as applicable to the topic. Discussion is purposeful, respectful, and professional.
11.25 points
Assignment response demonstrates a developed exploration of fact-based world views. Assignment response recognizes multiple interpretations of fact-based world views. Recognition of plausible bias is addressed, as applicable to the topic. Discussion is professional. 7.5 points
Assignment response demonstrates recognition of a fact-based world views. Plausible bias is recognized, as applicable to the topic. Discussion is professional.
3.75 points
Fact-based world view(s) are not present or poorly developed in the discussion. Discussion may contain unrecognized bias. Discussion presents limited respect or professional presentation. 0 points
Assignment response demonstrates failed recognition of fact-based world view.
Discussion contains multiple levels of bias. Discussion lacks respect or professional presentation. Score of Ethics & Inclusion (10%) This category addresses diverse thinking and open-minded exploration of conflicting hypotheses.,
/ 15
Creative Thinking (10%) This category addresses ability to weigh alternative hypotheses and present informed decision making.
15 points
Assignment response justifies original thought established through critique of evidence.
Approaches to problem solving or creative ideas based on curiosity are effectively expressed. A contribution to the academic or professional field is incorporated, as appropriate to the assignment. 11.25 points
Assignment response presents original thought established from exploring evidence. Approaches to problem solving or creative ideas based on curiosity are expressed. 7.5 points
Assignment response explores original thought established with illustration of evidence. Approaches to problem solving are explored. 3.75 points
Assignment response presents minimal original thought founded on evidence. Approaches to problem solving are minimal. 0 points
Assignment response holds no relationship with evidence or presentation of original thought. Approaches to problem solving are not present. Score of Creative Thinking (10%) This category addresses ability to weigh alternative hypotheses and present informed decision making.,
/ 15
Academic Writing or Presentation (10%) This category applies to various assignment outcome types, for example written, oral, mixed, mind-maps, brochures, etc.
15 points
Writing or presentation exceeds all expectations for academic voice or modeling of assignment medium. Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and clear explanation of key concepts of the assignment. Writing or presentation addresses audience at an appropriate level. Text is readable and clear. Audio/Visual components, as applicable, support the main points of the presentation. Appropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.
11.25 points
Writing or presentation exceeds most expectations for academic voice or modeling of assignment medium.
Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and clear explanation of key concepts of the assignment. Writing or presentation addresses audience at an appropriate level. Text is readable and clear. Audio and Visual components, as applicable, support the main points of the presentation. Appropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.
7.5 points
Writing or presentation is in appropriate academic voice or modeling of assignment medium. Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and explanation of key concepts of the assignment. Writing or presentation addresses audience at an appropriate level. Text is readable and clear. Audio/Visual components, as applicable, support the main points of the presentation. Appropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.
3.75 points
Writing or presentation is below expectations for appropriate academic voice or modeling to assignment medium. Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and partial or unclear explanation of key concepts of the assignment. Writing or presentation does not address the audience at an appropriate level. Text is unclear or unreadable.
Audio/Visual components, as applicable, support the main points of the talk. Minimal or inappropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.
0 points
Writing or presentation do not meet minimum expectations for appropriate academic voice or modeling to assignment medium. Writing or presentation do not include satisfactory language, logical order, or explanation of key concepts of the assignment. Writing or presentation does not addresses audience at an appropriate level. Text is unreadable.
Audio/Visual components do not support the main points of the talk. Inappropriate or no reference of evidence by presenter.
Score of Academic Writing or Presentation (10%) This category applies to various assignment outcome types, for example written, oral, mixed, mind-maps, brochures, etc.,
/ 15
Mechanics, formatting, APA format
15 points
Writing or presentation exceeds all expectations and includes proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation.
Free of typographical issues.
APA formatting complete. References match citations and are properly quoted and cited throughout.
11.25 points
Writing or presentation exceeds most expectations of proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation. two typographical issues. Fewer than two APA formatting issues. References match citations and fewer than two errors found in quotes and in-text citations.
7.5 points
Writing or presentation includes proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation of evidence.
Limited typographical issues.
Few APA-style issues.
References match in-text citations. Some errors for quotes and in-text citations.
3.75 points
Writing or presentation is below expectations for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations.
Frequent typographical issues.
Frequent APA formatting issues. References do not match text citations. There are multiple errors for quotes and in-text citations.
0 points
Writing or presentation does not meet expectations for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations.
Significant typographical issues.
Significant APA formatting issues. Reference do not match text citations, significant errors for quotes and in-text citations.
Score of Mechanics, formatting, APA format,
/ 15
TotalScore of Mgt309_L4_rubric,


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