Attached is my homework assignment that I completed. Below is a not from the Pro


Attached is my homework assignment that I completed. Below is a not from the Professor. Please rework my assignment to lower the TurnitIn Score.
From Professor:
“Thanks for this submission. However, your paper was high (74%) on Turnitin originality score. My review revealed paraphrasing issues and improper citations. The implication of this is that more than half of your texts match the texts of Turnitin materials. Additionally, there were materials taken verbatim from some sources that were given proper credit, but quoted materials should not constitute more than 10% of your work. Please let’s work to bring the score down under 30% by paraphrasing properly and understanding that materials taken verbatim from a source must be directly quoted. Please rework this assignment by excluding the question and resubmit it for grading.”


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