An easy way of defining culture is “a shared way of life” ‘, and one of the 5 el


An easy way of defining culture is “a shared way of life”
‘, and one of the 5 elements of culture that people share with one another that creates cultural identity is Language. Language is essential in cultural transmission between generations.
Read the hyperlinked article: 7 Things You Didn’t know About the United States Official
Write a 3 paragraph Point/Counter-Point argument to this statement: “The United States does NOT NEED to have an official language.” based on the article or another source.
1st Paragraph: “Point” about your point affirming the statement referencing the article.
2nd paragraph: “Counter-
Point” opposing the points of the article about why the United States needs an official language. In this paragraph, you must include a link or reference to an article supporting the need for an official United States Language.
3rd paragraph, “My Opinion” conclude your discussion with this paragraph labeled. Be sure to add a citation from the textbook, source provided, or another source of your choice to support your personal conclusion (opinion).
As you respond to the discussion board, remember what is necessary for full credit and what is considered an acceptable post. You must also respond to at least TWO classmates.


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