Your project outcome is now known and you are to share your results with the res


Your project outcome is now known and you are to share your results with the rest of the class. For this assignment, you are required to prepare a final video presentation via Kaltura or Zoom and Lessons Learned Report to share with the class. Projects can teach many valuable lessons about teams and processes over the life of a project. Lessons Learned is used to gather personal and team recommendations throughout and after a project and can add value to the business by collecting this information from all project stakeholders and participants. This information can be leveraged to improve future project performance and risks. Project lessons can either be positive or negative. Either way, reviewing this information throughout the project and at project closure is beneficial. In your Close-out video, you will convey your project results. Results should highlight the PMBOK Performance Domains and Knowledge Areas covered as well as the unique aspects uncovered during the execution of the project. Remember the basic rules for developing presentations:
Create a logical flow to your presentation: Tell the story. Use the outline below as a guide.
Make your presentation readable: Use a relatively good size font for online use (i.e., 18 to 24 for online. This would be at least 30 if given in person.)
Remember, less is more: Basic design and no fly-ins. Synthesize the information. Fewer words are fine since you will be presenting.
**please include a script
Project Outline (Discuss at a high level to provide an overview):Project Description (one paragraph)
Project Goal (one paragraph)
Project Charter Customer Requirement (one paragraph)
Project deliverable (the product of the project, its output, or its outcome)
Stakeholder Register (who were your stakeholders?)
Scope of work (two paragraphs, the scope describes the work to be done – and nothing more can be done without an adjustment in budget and time)
Tasks and work breakdown structure (listing of tasks in sequence and an “organization chart” of the project)
Schedule (Gantt chart with tasks in sequence, with start and finish dates, predecessors, resources, and showing a bar chart against a calendar)
Risks (two paragraphs on the risks of project failure)
Communications (the plan for communicating with the customer, team, and stakeholders)
Team (listing of the project team members. Your project should include at least 3 team members; can be contractors, etc.)
Outcome (two paragraphs on the outcome of the project — e.g., Did you produce the deliverable on time and within budget and was the customer “delighted?”)
It is expected that the “What” was the outcome of your project will be covered in addition to these questions being addressed: What did I do? What did I learn? Based on your observation of the project outcome, what recommendations would you have for a fellow project manager? What were your Lessons Learned and how can they be leveraged for future projects? Post your final presentation in .ppt format and Kaltura or Zoom video on this Discussion Board. All students are expected to participate by providing feedback to three peers.


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