For this assignment, please identify a topic from the provided list below OR cho


For this assignment, please identify a topic from the provided list below OR choose an instructor-approved topic of your choosing related to pediatric nursing care. The written paper will be a minimum of 3 pages not including cover page, references, and infographic. You must utilize at least 2 scholarly sources that are current (within the last 5 years). This paper must be written following APA standards.
Identify your chosen topic and provide a discussion for why this topic was chosen. Provide a discussion of the topic and identify how the topic is related to pediatric nursing care.
Identify and fully discuss at least two points related to the topic that would be included in an educational plan for the patient/community and/or to other healthcare providers
Impact on pediatric nursing care
Identify and fully discuss at least 2 ways this topic will impact the pediatric nursing care. Support this discussion with at least one scholarly source.
The student must also create and submit an infographic
Develop a one-page education sheet that condenses this information and education into an easy to read infographic. You should utilize visual aids and be as creative as you choose to be with design. This infographic must be uploaded as a PDF and be shared with the class via the week 15 discussion post. Additionally, review and comment on at least 2 other student’s infographics.
Possible TopicsPatient advocacy
Rights of minors
Safety measures for preventing injury / medication errors
Ethical, legal, cultural and/or nursing practice dilemma
Drug usage for treatment of seizures or ADHD
Refusal of care (patient’s or parent’s)
Cultural practices
Mandatory reporting/ suspected abuse
Vaccines and vaccine hesitancy
Specific health problem
Congenital heart defects
Meconium aspiration
Sickle cell anemia
Trisomy 21
Diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2
End of life care and support
Developmental theorists (choose 1)


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