Exerice 3 Phayton In this exercise, you will explore the use of programming lang


Exerice 3 Phayton
In this exercise, you will explore the use of programming language to carry out statistical analysis
Carry out the statistics parts
There are two r files for this lecture
classPrt1stat.R. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M7hy-o2myh-GCuQjd…
classPrt2stat.R. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qrgkPaX5DgYPaF8A6… Create two .rmd files for each and
the output from the knit for each.
Exercise 4 Exercise2 R coding
This assignment is for learning some of the basic operations in R
You will want to execute the following R script in R studio. NOTE: There is a section for you to add your own code please do so.
Here is the r code https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tpr_aTOwdL0iS2h6i… Doc version attached below note: you can run this by going to File in R Studio and choosing to open a file.
You will need to separate the code into Chunks for the rmd file. It is up to you as to how.
Output from KNIT
.RMD file


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