Assignment. Week 3 Discussion: PlagiarismStep one: View SNL Plagiarism Skit (Ini


Assignment. Week 3 Discussion: PlagiarismStep one: View SNL Plagiarism Skit (Initial Post (200 – 300 words): Response Posts (at least two; each 75 – 100 words) and If citations are included in your post, include references using APA style.Guidelines for Online Discussions
Saturday Night Live. (2003 March). Plagiarism – SNL [Video]. YouTube)
Step two: Respond to the following promptsWhat is your initial reaction to the skit?
What were two of the strategies that the instructor identified as academic dishonesty?
Why might a student plagiarize?
List at least two strategies you can use to ensure that your submissions cannot be construed as plagiarism.
In your responses to your classmates, comment on how your analysis is similar or different. Share any tips that could help your classmates develop deeper insights and perspectives on the topic of plagiarism.At the end of the week, post a brief summary of your observations and learnings from this discussion.Initial Post (200 – 300 words): Due Friday @ 11:59 pmResponse Posts (at least two; each 75 – 100 words) and Summary Post: Due Tuesday @ 11:59 pm If citations are included in your post, include references using APA style.Guidelines for Online DiscussionsGrading CriteriaInitial post (50%)Posted on time and to required length. Addresses the topic of the discussion. Provides personal insights, thoughtful reflection, supporting examples and references. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Response post (30%)Responds to 2 or more students. Responses provide additional insights and/or raise questions that require reflection. Shares multiple points of view. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Summary post (10%) Provides meaningful summary and response. Demonstrates reflection and further analysis. Supports statements with citations and references.
Grammar and mechanics (10%)
Assignment. Reflection QuestionsPlagiarism is considered a dishonest practice and is a punishable offence at .University After reviewing this week’s materials, reflect on the following questions:What is plagiarism?
Why is plagiarism inappropriate?
Provide at least three different examples of graduate work submission that could be construed as being plagiarized.
Why could plagiarism be detrimental to your academic and professional career?
Submit your responses in a MS Word or Adobe PDF file. Length: 1 – 2 pages


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