Review the slides on Survey methods (attached) Pick 2 assessment tools (S


Review the slides on Survey methods (attached)
Pick 2 assessment tools (Slide 14) and discuss the following:
Relevance to Research Question- Does the survey address the specific topic or construct you are studying? Are the questions appropriate for your target population?
Clarity of Questions- Are the survey questions clearly worded and easy to understand? Are there any ambiguous or confusing terms?
Reliability- Is there evidence that the survey produces consistent results over time (test-retest reliability)? Are the internal consistency measures (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha) acceptable (usually above 0.70)?
Validity- Does the survey measure what it claims to measure (construct validity)? Is there evidence of content validity (do the items cover the entire range of the construct)?
Length and Time to Complete- Is the survey an appropriate length for your participants? How long does it take to complete the survey? Is it reasonable for your study?
Sample and Norms- Are there norms or benchmarks available for interpreting the survey scores? Was the survey validated on a sample similar to your target population?
Cultural Sensitivity- Are the questions culturally sensitive and appropriate for your participants? Have potential cultural biases been addressed?
Scoring and Interpretation- Is the scoring procedure straightforward and clearly explained? Are there clear guidelines for interpreting the results?


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