Week 7 Discussion – Pay Scales Imagine that you manage human resources for a sm


Week 7 Discussion – Pay Scales
Imagine that you manage human resources for a small business. You have recently prepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and the company’s owner says the market rate is too high. The company cannot afford this level of pay, and, furthermore, paying that much would cause salespeople to earn more than most of the company’s managers.
Why is this a problem? Should managers automatically be at the top of the pay scale?
Suggest three possible measures the company might take to help resolve this conflict.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Week 6 Discussion – Improving Talent Management
Few organizations are known to be prepared for future changes in the industry landscape. The same observation is true of top companies where a small number of employees are said to be prepared to fill internal executive and management positions in their organization. Less than half of these organizations say that they have qualified staff to take on leadership roles effectively. With this scenario, address the following:
What competitive advantage could a skilled HR manager deliver in an organization that is committed to improving its talent management?
How can HR managers collaborate with top management and operations in general to achieve this innovative competitive edge?
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.


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