Scenario You have been hired to create a multi-channel advertising campaign for


Scenario You have been hired to create a multi-channel advertising campaign for Fresh Fare Farms. This meal kit delivery service prides itself on using locally sourced items from farmers that use sustainable practices. They are launching a multi-channel advertising campaign during Hunger Action Month to expand their customer base. For each customer that signs up this month, Fresh Fare Farms will donate to local food banks in the customer’s area. Directions Create a multi-channel advertising campaign and a client presentation. The multi-channel advertising campaign will include three campaign deliverables: a magazine advertisement, a digital animated advertisement, and a seamless social media carousel advertisement. The client presentation will convey your design rationale and explanations for your choices. Refer to the design brief, brand style guide, and visual assets in the GRA 415 Project Client Files linked in the Supporting Materials section to inform your work. Note: It is critical that you read all the instructions before starting this assignment. Part 1: Campaign Deliverables Your multi-channel advertising campaign must address the following rubric criteria: Magazine Advertisement Your first campaign deliverable must be a full-bleed, vertical-oriented (8.625” w x 10.75” h) magazine advertisement using Adobe InDesign. You began this work in Milestone One. Create a magazine advertisement, including the following components: One tagline from the design brief All of the specified copy from the design brief One variation of the vector logo provided in the brand style guide Company name and website URL provided in the design brief Three to five high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) images aligned with the style and rules defined in the brand style guide Optional (non-graded): illustration or iconography from the brand style guide, aligned with usage rules Select typography and colors from the brand style guide. You must include the following: Typography that follows the usage rules for headlines, body copy, and stylized copy All the primary colors and at least two secondary colors that follow the color usage rules Digital Animated Advertisement Your second campaign deliverable must be either a leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels) or skyscraper (160 x 600 pixels) digital animated advertisement using Adobe Photoshop. You began this work in Milestone Two. Create a digital animated advertisement, including the following components: One tagline (same as the magazine advertisement) Specified copy from the design brief One variation of the vector logo provided in the brand style guide that is best suited for this design Three to four background images or a color background Optional (non-graded): illustration or iconography from the brand style guide, aligned with usage rules Design an animated call-to-action button. When designing your button, remember that the whole advertisement must not exceed the maximum file size of 150 kb. Seamless Social Media Carousel Advertisement Your third campaign deliverable must be a seamless social media carousel advertisement consisting of three artboards that are 1080 x 1080 pixels each, using Adobe Illustrator. You began this work in Milestone Two. Create a seamless social media carousel advertisement, including the following components: One tagline (same as the magazine advertisement) Specified copy provided in the design brief One variation of the vector logo provided in the brand style guide that is best suited for this design One to three images that are from the mood board, magazine ad, or completely new, but they must be consistent with the imagery used in the magazine advertisement Optional (non-graded): company website URL from the design brief Optional (non-graded): illustration or iconography from the brand style guide, aligned with usage rules Create a cohesive carousel advertisement design with three distinctive artboards. Overall Design You are creating a multi-channel advertising campaign comprising three cohesive campaign deliverables. You will be graded on how all three of these deliverables meet the following criteria: Apply consistency across the campaign deliverables. Apply the brand rules as outlined in the brand style guide. Design campaign deliverables that align with the target audience visual preferences as outlined in the design brief. Part 2: Client Presentation: Create a visual presentation for your client explaining your design rationale for each campaign deliverable. First, complete the Bongo presentation script linked in the Supporting Materials section and then record your presentation as a video in Bongo. Since you are playing the role of a presenter pitching their business to a client, use words and phrases like “we,” “us,” and “our agency.” When speaking of the client, consider using words and phrases like “you” and “your brand.” Your choice of words will be considered in grading the Articulation of Response criterion. Specifically, address the following criteria: Explain how each design represents the client’s brand. Explain how your designs meet the campaign objectives and goals outlined in the design brief. Describe how you applied consistency across the campaign deliverables to create cohesiveness. Explain how the designs speak to the target audience. You must address the following: How do the designs effectively deliver the message to the audience? How have you taken the target audience’s needs and visual preferences into account? How do the designs highlight the call to action? Discuss how you adapted your design to meet each deliverable’s specifications. You must address the following: What were the advantages or challenges of working in each medium? What design compromises did you have to make to adapt your designs to the different mediums? Explain the reasons for your choice of design and visual elements. You must address the following: How did you utilize elements of design? How did you select and use imagery? Include attributions for each image included in the advertisements. Record the image attributions in the GRA 415 Attribution Tracking Spreadsheet. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Part 1: Campaign Deliverables Package all the design files for each individual advertisement and then zip them together in one folder. Submit a zip file including the following: Magazine Advertisement: Submit a full-bleed, vertical-oriented (8.625” w x 10.75” h), full-color (CMYK) magazine advertisement created in Adobe InDesign and exported as a PDF. Include all the (linked) images, graphics, and fonts in your package folder. Digital Animated Advertisement: Submit either a leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels) or skyscraper (160 x 600 pixels) digital animated advertisement created in Adobe Photoshop and exported as an animated GIF for submission. Include all the (linked) images, graphics, and fonts in your package folder. Seamless Social Media Carousel Advertisement: Submit three artboards (1080 x 1080 pixels) created in Adobe Illustrator, exported as a 3-page PDF and a PNG. Include all the (linked) images, graphics, and fonts in your package folder. Completed GRA 415 Attribution Tracking Spreadsheet: This document must include attributions for all images used in this project. For this course, you will use a combination of public domain, openly licensed, and copyrighted images. You are responsible for avoiding copyright infringement by attributing these images according to established copyright guidelines. See the Openly Licensed Images area of your course for details. Part 2: Client Presentation Submit a Bongo video and script of your presentation. Upload a 5- to 7-minute video. Select the Screen Only or Camera + Screen option to display your campaign deliverables while presenting. Upload your completed Bongo script as a Word document. If you are not able to record a video, you can submit a PowerPoint presentation, along with the Bongo presentation script, in its place. It is highly recommended that you complete the video if possible, as it will help you prepare for job interviews and client presentations. Note: This project is a great artifact to include in your portfolio. Once you receive instructor feedback, take time to revise your assignment. As a best practice, save the finalized copies as RAW files in your OneDrive account, so you can make edits in the future. Supporting Materials The following resources support your work on the project: GRA 415 Project Client Files Download and unzip this folder to access the following files provided by the client: GRA 415 Project Design Brief GRA 415 Project Brand Style Guide GRA 415 Project Full Color Vector Logo GRA 415 Project Full Color Reversed Vector Logo GRA 415 Project Color Swatches GRA 415 Project Iconography GRA 415 Project Shapes Bongo Project Video Script Template Use this template to create your Bongo video script. GRA 415 Attribution Tracking Spreadsheet If you haven’t already started tracking attributions earlier in this course, use this spreadsheet to record the image attributions for this project. If you’ve already been using this spreadsheet to track your attributions, add the attributions for this assignment.


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