For this final assignment, you will create a presentation and CHOOSE 4 of the we


For this final assignment, you will create a presentation and CHOOSE 4 of the weekly topics. Those weekly topics will be the titles of the content for each week. Example, week #1 was Culture etc, Week #2 was Motivation etc, Week #3 was Conflict. Etc. PICK FOUR of the topics (Any from weeks 1-7) and create a PowerPoint presentation or another formal formatted written presentation of your choosing (format is open to your choice). I will also accept an oral video presentation. Tell me how EACH (of the four that you chose) topic is important to understand as an executive in the company that you chose in the week #3 discussion board. Tell me about that topic and how it relates to your specific company and why the Board of Directors should understand that topic and how it RELATES to the specific public company that you chose.
You should already have the research completed based on the last 3 assignments that talks about these topics from a general perspective. Now, you are going to submit the proposal about your specific company. As always, you need to cite your sources using APA format. If you are submitting a presentation in non-written form, please make sure to mention your source when using information and submit a written document listing those sources. A solid introduction should be included on your first slide of the PPT, presentation or video submission. You should then end the PPT, Presentation or video submission with a summary/Conclusion.
Week 3
Polaris is the company I am choosing. Yes I know they make chainsaws. They also make motorcycles. I currently own a 2011 Victory motorcycle. Victory was the brand. The brand no longer exists. Polaris also now owns Indian motorcycles. Indian is the oldest American motorcycle company in the U.S. Yes even older than Harley Davidson. The topics I believe that would relate most to this company are, Motivation and Engagement, Making a calculated decision and Organization Strategy and Structure. The reason I picked these topics is because after Polaris decided to end Victory motorcycles and concentrate on Indian motorcycles, there was a bit of lash back because diehard fans felt let down.
Weekly topics
Culture and Diversity
Motivation and Engagement
Making a Calculated Decision Using Accounting Concepts
Communicating Effectively with Others
Rubric Name: MGMT311 Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary
Did not attempt
Criterion Score
Specialized Knowledge
10 points
Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field in creative or innovative ways.
8.5 points
Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field.
7.5 points
Student demonstrates fluency in some but not all of the following areas in the field: tools, technology, and methods.
6.5 points
Student does not demonstrate fluency in one or more of the following areas: tools, technology, and methods. Student may use appropriate tools, technology, and methods, but does not demonstrate fluency.
0 points
Did not attempt.
Score of Specialized Knowledge,/ 10
5 points
Clearly states the purpose of the assignment and includes all key information.
4.25 points
Mentions the purpose of the assignment and includes a few important pieces of information.
3.75 points
Mentions the purpose of the assignment.
3.25 points
Offers a lead in to the assignment but includes no important information.
0 points
Did not attempt.
Score of Introduction,/ 5
50 points
Addresses the topic with clarity; clearly states the reason for the project and provides research to support the proposal. An explanation as to how the provided information will be utilized is provided.
42.5 points
Addresses the topic with clarity; states the reason for the project with minimal research to support the importance of the project. An explanation as to how the provided information will be utilized is provided.
37.5 points
Addresses the topic; minimal research provided; sometimes digresses from topic of focus. A basic explanation is provided as to how the provided information will be utilized
32.5 points
Provides little to no clarity in formulating conclusions and/or organization. No explanation is offered as to how the provided information will be utilized.
0 points
Did not attempt.
Score of Discussion,/ 50
5 points
All important information is restated.
4.25 points
Most important information is restated.
3.75 points
Some important information is restated.
3.25 points
No important information is restated.
0 points
Did not attempt.
Score of Summary,/ 5
Mechanics and Documentation
30 points
Is free or almost free of errors of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics; appropriately documents sources.
25.5 points
Is free or almost free of errors of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics; documents sources.
22.5 points
Has errors but they don’t represent a major distraction; documents sources.
19.5 points
Has errors that obscure meaning of content or add confusion; neglects important sources or documents few to no sources.
0 points
Did not attempt.
Score of Mechanics and Documentation,/ 30
Score of MGMT311 Assignment Rubric,/ 100


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