Please see my chapter 3 assignment and add to the paper. Please see all of the d


Please see my chapter 3 assignment and add to the paper. Please see all of the documents shared; there are additional sources that can be used, and you will need to complete the checklist for chapter 3.
Open and save these resources from the Dissertation Toolbox in a convenient place because you will use them often:
Dissertation Guide (PDF) – This is a style guide and also provides instructions and comments in a mock dissertation document for guidance and reference.
Chapter 3 Checklist – Refer to and complete this checklist while writing and before submitting each portion of your Chapter 3 draft. Your Dissertation Chair (DC), Committee Member (CM), and Teacher of Record (TOR) will sign it once they accept the final version of the chapter.
tep 2
Open a new Word document and save it as “Chapter 3” with your name in the filename. Use the instructions in the Dissertation Guide and refer to your Concept Paper introduction to begin Chapter 3. Write an introduction to Chapter 3 of your Dissertation Proposal. (You may need to revise the introduction in Module 5 when you have inserted all the Chapter 3 sections.)
Step 3
Use the instructions in the Dissertation Guide and the Chapter 3 Checklist to complete these sections:
Research Methodology, Design, and Rational
Type of Design
Role of the Researcher
Research Procedures introduction paragraph
Population and Sample Selection
The “Role of the Researcher” is the only section of your proposal or dissertation where you may use the pronoun “I” to refer to yourself as the researcher. However, do not use “I” to refer to yourself more than two times. If you must explain a process in other sections from the viewpoint of the researcher, use passive instead of active voice.
Step 4
Read and edit your work for Chapter 3 so far to check APA formats and heading styles. Use Microsoft Editor to check and revise grammar, spelling, and punctuation issues.
As you edit and proofread your writing, self-evaluate your work with the descriptors in the Chapter 3 Rubric in the Module 6 Assignment of this course. Insert page numbers from your Chapter 3 draft into the checklist and check the appropriate boxes as complete.
Step 5
Copy your list of references from your Concept Paper into your Chapter 3 draft. Remove unused sources and add any additional sources you cited in your work. Apply correct APA formatting.


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