Part 1: Data table: 470 data table for IM w formulas.xlsx Download 470 data tabl


Part 1: Data table: 470 data table for IM w formulas.xlsx Download 470 data table for IM w formulas.xlsx Guide for data sheet for Medicare IM Notifcation Collection for Sept
A: Department (Internal Medicine or Surgery Recovery)
B: Admission date and time
C: Discharge date and time
D: Date and Time of Initial IM Notice
E: Date and Time of Follow-up IM Notice
F: Day of Week (could be a Factor – is this a significant X?)
G: Age of patient (could be a Factor – is this a significant X?)
H: Gender of patient (could be a Factor – is this a significant X?)
I: DRG (see columns M and N for DRG descriiptions) (could be a Factor – this is a significant X?)
J: Length of Stay(calculated value – use this to determine if both Initial and Follow-up are needed)
K: Time to deliver the Initial IM Notice (Time elapsed between admit and delivery of Initial IM – use this if IM was delivered on time)
L: Time prior to discharge that Follow-up IM was delivered (Time elapsed between delivery of Follow-up IM and discharge – use this to determine if notice was delivered on time)
Purpose: One of the best ways to learn the DMAIC methodology is to apply it to data that is meaningful to you. This assignment is an example of project-based learned where you will apply the topics that are covered during the week to the data that you collect. This will also help you prepare for the Capstone and be able to collect data and analyze the available data set.
Criteria for success: A chart or graph with your data and a full paragraph (not bullet points) with 2-3 sentences describing the data in the chart or graph and the value of your statistical analysis and a full paragraph (not bullet points) with 2-3 sentences describing the result. You should cover all the questions on these topics from the descriiption above. Part 2: Using your results from part 1, write up a complete analysis for your data set. The goal here is to clarify the practical problem, convert to a statistical problem, use the data to define significance, then use this to propose a practical solution.
The final paper for this class should include:
1. Problem statement and descriiption of the Big Y
2. CTQ descriiption (how did you define the target?)
3. Operational Definitions 4. List of critical X’s considered
5. Data collections – including sample size
6. Results of analysis (whatever you produced last week)
Type of test
Statistical results or graphical analysis
8. Proposal to control critical X’s (now that you have a significant factor, what would you do to control it?)


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