Instructions Submit any presentation aids for this speech (PowerPoint Presentati


Submit any presentation aids for this speech (PowerPoint Presentation or other) as an attachment along with the link to your speech in the Session 5 Persuasive Speech Presentation assignment. If you are unable to submit the aid due to it not being in an electronic format, contact your instructor prior to the due date. Be sure to incorporate any relevant peer and instructor feedback from the previous sessions’ speeches into this session’s speech so that you can demonstrate growth in your speaking abilities.
Video Requirements:
In this speech, you must use a presentation aid of your choice.
If you are not using a Powerpoint presentation, your presentation aid must be visible in the video.
If you are using a Powerpoint presentation and are able to project the PowerPoint, be sure that you and the projected Powerpoint can be seen in the video.
If you are not able to project the Powerpoint, provide handouts of your Powerpoint presentation to your audience members and make sure you reference which slides you are on as you give your speech.
Submission Requirements:
Video Submission:
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and go to the Comments section and click on the Insert Stuff icon. Then select Embed Kaltura Video to record and embed your video. For additional help with this see the Technology Quick Guide located under Help in your course navigation Bar.
Presentation Submission
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on add a file, then click submit to upload your presentation by the posted due date. Review the rubric for specific grading criteria.
Can you please watch the videos on youtube? let me know if you have any questions. Also need biblical citing in the paper.
Please choose to go with the Power Point for the presentation.


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