In Unit 4, you will be turning in a rough draft of Paper #4 by Sunday, August 11


In Unit 4, you will be turning in a rough draft of Paper #4 by Sunday, August 11, 11:59pm. You will complete the assignment by submitting a peer review two days later by Tuesday, August 13, 11:59pm in Unit 5. This assignment is worth 25 points (10 points for your rough draft, 5 points for your list of works cited, and 10 points for your peer review). Instructions
You will find the instructions for both parts of the assignment below.
Rough Draft of Paper #4Your rough draft of Paper #4 is due by Sunday, August 11, 11:59pm. You must turn in a rough draft of at least 4–5 pages with a complete list of works cited to receive full credit for this portion of the assignment.
Peer ReviewOnce you have submitted the rough draft of your paper, Canvas will automatically assign you a peer review partner. Your peer review comments will be due two days later by Tuesday, August 13, 11:59pm, in Unit 5. Before completing the peer review, you might want to review key sections on peer review in “C4: Reviewing, revising, and editing” in A Writer’s Reference.
To receive full credit for this portion of the assignment, you must respond to all of the following questions in the comments section:
Does the writer respond directly to one of the paper prompts? If yes, which one? If not, can you give a suggestion as to how to revise?
What is the writer’s argument? Do they support it with convincing evidence and examples from their sources? In your response, paraphrase your classmate’s argument in your own words and give specific examples of how it is being supported in their body paragraphs. If either argument or specific examples are missing, please note them and offer suggestions if possible.
What has your classmate done well in the paper? What is one suggestion for improvement? Give specific examples.


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