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To access the pages and assignments listed, use Modules in the Left Navigation.
You will submit the completed PowerPoint (must be in this format) with the information from each of the Project Part portions and what you learned about your sample. Download and use this Template Download Templatefor your project, change the file name to include your Name. Be sure to remove the directions from each slide and the direction slides.
Most of the details from the related project parts and any other needed information can be found in the Template Download Templateon the Semester Project Information page.
Images cannot be accepted for work for any portion of the project, but may be used as supplemental explanations.
For any calculations that result in more than 4 decimal places, round to 4 decimal places.
The General Layout is as follows (see the Semester Project Information page for additional details)
Slide 1: Title Page
Slide 2: Abstract
Slide 3: Your Sample Set
Slide 4: Frequency Distribution
Slide 5: Measures of Center
Slide 6: 5 Number Summary & IQR
Slide 7 Measures of Variation
Slide 8: 90% Confidence Interval for the Population Mean
Slide 9: Hypothesis Test
Slide 10: Conclusions
MAT220 Semester Project
MAT220 Semester Project
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
20 to >16.0 pts
Content in each slide is accurate and complete information based on the data set provided, demonstrating understanding of course content.
16 to >12.0 pts
Content in each slide is accurate but some information is not presented in a logical order but is still generally easy to follow, demonstrating a basic understanding of course content.
12 to >8.0 pts
Content in each slide is accurate, but information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow.
8 to >4.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Content in each slide is questionable and information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow.
4 to >0 pts
Content in each slide is inaccurate and information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSlide Creation
20 to >16.0 pts
Presentation follows the general layout and order of the template provided. Each slide contains the requested information. Presentation has the correct number of slides.
16 to >12.0 pts
Presentation follows the general layout, but some slides are out of order. A few slides are missing requested information. A few slides are missing.
12 to >8.0 pts
Presentation doesn’t follow the general layout or order of the template but contains the requested information. May lack in number of slides.
8 to >4.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Presentation is unorganized. Tools are not used in a relevant manner. Lacking in number of slides.
4 to >0 pts
Presentation has no flow. No tools used. Insufficient number of slides.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanations
20 to >16.0 pts
Provides detailed, complete, and correct explanations.
16 to >12.0 pts
Explanations are correct, but are not as complete or detailed as required.
12 to >8.0 pts
Explanations are correct, but not complete and detailed.
8 to >4.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Explanations are correct, but not complete and no details.
4 to >0 pts
Explanations are not correct.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrated Knowledge
20 to >16.0 pts
Shows complete understanding of the topics, mathematical ideas and processes.
16 to >12.0 pts
Shows understanding of most of the topics, mathematical ideas and processes.
12 to >8.0 pts
Shows understanding of some of the topics, mathematical ideas and processes.
8 to >4.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Shows little understanding of the topics, mathematical ideas and processes.
4 to >0 pts
No understanding of the topics, mathematical ideas and processes are shown.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
20 to >16.0 pts
No math, spelling, or grammatical errors. Text is in author’s own words.
16 to >12.0 pts
Few math, spelling, or grammatical errors. Text is in author’s own words.
12 to >8.0 pts
Some math, spelling, or grammatical errors. Text is in author’s own words.
8 to >4.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Some math, spelling, or grammatical errors. Most of the text is in author’s own words.
4 to >0 pts
Many math, spelling, or grammatical errors and/or text is copied.
20 pts
2013 Average Annual Number Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal), mortality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 253 574 341 97 107 66 480 260 54 508 1662 407
2 320 238 535 909 67 195 2514 1183 403 48 549 446
3 419 596 57 552 315 101 334 847 1087 328 129 631
4 1150 700 476 45 275 1916 207 799 54 50 64 293
5 447 36 587 81 171 504 1346 1572 654 1612 130 125
6 1343 611 314 2683 95 324 641 386 37 1949 315 326
7 83 77 146 786 386 132 79 443 766 242 286 461
8 1695 171 467 803 443 483 1098 109 98 89 539 403
9 117 179 124 264 405 495
2015 Average Annual Number Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal), mortality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 70 288 50 47 1299 256 680 317 456 811 402 399
2 900 48 1592 390 1305 329 447 457 1079 114 123 40
3 77 441 732 398 149 259 56 833 1979 275 237 53
4 536 80 339 477 167 1158 309 63 524 810 87 96
5 272 34 1153 182 510 139 486 588 131 510 78 127
6 792 1714 306 2538 637 1077 173 101 610 1965 1600 406
7 89 120 518 214 423 2728 98 400 495 302 339 768
8 122 59 567 468 567 270 340 468 237 650 464 98
9 582 56 1583 207 336 98
2017 Average Annual Number Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal), mortality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 1565 122 460 88 481 44 288 338 233 514 349 477
2 257 184 103 1250 268 320 561 403 63 503 87 480
3 388 573 230 71 417 130 157 77 1149 78 491 450
4 107 577 50 1749 84 124 2538 308 394 757 775 2732
5 639 121 125 508 407 287 470 1079 821 257 61 270
6 457 404 2086 61 55 685 219 421 101 51 51 527
7 1310 292 856 150 340 564 34 230 1554 701 341 45
8 2041 589 607 147 1619 290 891 834 108 320 108 466
9 169 92 1154 740 462 1079
2013 Average Annual Number Melanoma, mortality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 154 294 102 23 37 93 368 103 51 18 142 55
2 73 245 82 56 97 55 60 40 3 12 12 9
3 65 27 23 6 138 151 96 18 35 37 61 44
4 71 38 42 220 195 9 47 153 314 12 13 7
5 95 36 24 71 13 80 506 51 101 72 62 55
6 53 15 68 13 21 48 56 85 67 142 68 4
7 21 106 180 20 189 70 144 5 90 8 7 120
8 32 11 27 23 184 628 304 257 24 126 101 167
9 84 140 144 158 18 25
2015 Average Annual Number Melanoma, mortality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 79 14 8 41 19 101 25 249 59 638 69 21
2 19 13 25 309 100 41 5 139 220 99 64 358
3 52 165 524 29 11 49 19 56 100 59 155 61
4 79 28 21 6 160 173 75 52 301 137 85 62
5 144 192 22 66 145 34 12 24 67 8 9 40
6 135 187 86 37 20 134 157 66 73 125 12 156
7 14 249 120 51 22 104 7 89 40 73 17 53
8 25 13 175 95 90 10 37 65 39 100 56 55
9 282 49 98 39
2017 Average Annual Number Melanoma, mortality
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 23 158 3 8 29 81 31 19 86 18 134 46
2 65 19 348 6 104 54 9 48 38 38 22 153
3 56 158 13 288 103 251 139 39 45 63 8 211
4 183 224 38 265 21 34 50 160 92 88 13 60
5 10 33 133 60 17 6 492 148 70 32 10 21
6 82 47 16 88 279 95 60 89 39 14 169 77
7 55 128 14 77 26 55 69 63 118 180 608 22
8 99 133 140 147 76 18 22 8 47 19 26 4
9 71 115 52 62 83


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