Case Study for Integrative Final Paper   You are one of two school counselors at


Case Study for Integrative Final Paper
You are one of two school counselors at a local public middle school. Your 275-student caseload includes Quincy, a seventh grader. Quincy’s family (which consists of his Anglo father, his Haitian-American mother, his 19-year-old brother, and his two-year old twin sisters) moved to the US Virgin Islands from Orlando, Florida due to a great professional opportunity for his father.
Having lived in two other major cities (Atlanta, Georgia and Miami, Florida) prior to Orlando, Quincy attended private school until now. One of the reasons for this is because Quincy has a documented learning disability and ADHD. While Quincy’s parents wished to enroll him at one of the local private schools, they did not do so since they now have to pay for his brother’s expensive undergraduate education at a highly-selective private university in New England, and to help pay expenses for his grandparent’s assisted-living residence in the States.
Quincy has been referred to counseling by his lead teacher. The teacher has concerns due to Quincy’s affect and behavior both inside and outside of the classroom. The teacher has noticed that Quincy often appears sad, if not depressed. On one occasion, Quincy shared with the teacher that he has been teased and bullied by some of his classmates who call him “Zebra” because of his multiracial background. Quincy also reported that classmates often torment him because of his learning disability and ADHD. When Quincy first arrived at the school his grades were exceptional, but over the course of the school year they plummeted. This appears to be causing Quincy a great deal of stress, which in turn, is adversely impacting his behavior and hyperactivity. Quincy further shared with his teacher that he is embarrassed by his very light complexion and thinks he will never be accepted among his peers here because of it and him being from the States. Quincy has commented that he wishes he were “darker like my mother, brother and little sisters”. Moreover, Quincy has expressed concern that he is not like the other boys his age in that he is not developing as readily physiologically as most middle school boys.
The teacher sees a great deal of potential in Quincy and wants to do all that she can do to assist him in terms of advocacy and support. The teacher would love to see Quincy take a participatory, if not leadership, role in class and school life.
In an APA-formatted essay consisting of at least five (5) pages (i.e., the Title Page, at least three full pages of text, and the References Page), discuss how you – as Quincy’s counselor – will assist him with the concerns raised by his teacher, as well as the issues manifested by Quincy’s affect, behavior and thoughts. Indicate the counseling approaches, skills, resources, implications, et cetera that are pertinent to this case study. Be certain to include what you have learned in EDU 588 in terms of human development, and more specifically, middle childhood and early adolescent development as it applies to Quincy. You are allowed to use your textbook, appropriate academic and professional resources, and informational/instructional videos to assist in completing this assignment.


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