ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS: After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, you have learn


After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, you have learned more about the skill of understanding and managing diversity – what it is, why it is important, and how to improve your skill in these areas. Answer the questions in the template in comprehensive, complete sentences. Do not provide brief answers. Instead, compose at least 4-5 full sentences (i.e., a complete paragraph) that answer each of the posed questions. Please remember that your task is to not only write your own assessment, but to show that you are able to draw connections between your readings and your reflection. Complete this assignment based on your Unit 1 readings. Use concepts and theories from the appropriate chapters, explain your understanding of their application, and show how they help you understand yourself. Do not forget to tie each answer to personal and professional communication effectiveness. At minimum, 2 scholarly sources should be used (one must be your textbook, the other could be any course resource or a scholarly resource found in the Keiser University Library). All sources should be formatted using APA 7th edition style. ASSIGNMENT PROCESS:
I have provided you with a template where these questions are already entered. All you need to do is enter your own information by typing it right into the template . Please use the template and answer all questions. Assignments that do not answer all required questions or meet the minimum sentence requirement will be rendered incomplete and earn “0” credit. Week 2 Written Assignment Template.docx Week 2 Written Assignment Template.docx – Alternative Formats (click to download)
At minimum, each answer should include a reflection on the concept or theory, an example or practical application, and a connection to communication on a professional and/or personal level. ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC:
COM 3131 Assignment Rubric (click to download)
Please note that your submissions are checked through SafeAssign for compliance with academic integrity policies. Reports are available to you immediately upon submission. Please check your outlines for academic integrity. If your work shows any similarity issues, you are responsible for fixing these issues PRIOR to final submission. Submissions that are not accurately cited, or have too high of a similarity index will not be accepted for grading.


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