Case Assignment Part 1: answer the following: What makes change so difficult fo


Case Assignment
Part 1:
answer the following:
What makes change so difficult for many organizations?
Why must an organization prepare for each phase of change?
How can change be anchored in an organization’s culture and processes?
What would be the best way to incorporate diversity education for all staff in the organization to ensure inclusivity is an integral part of the business model? 
Part 2:
Review the following source:
Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Chapter 2: The organizational culture assessment instrument. In Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework (3rd ed). [Books24x7 version]. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Select an existing health care organization (Wolfsons Children’s hospital). Using your selected organization, design a 30-question survey that explores preparedness for change among leaders, stakeholders, and the overall organization (10 questions for each group). Your survey questions should be geared toward change that deals with improving patient experience, improving the health of populations, diversity, and lowering the cost of health care.


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