Please write your specific aims section (4-5 paragraphs) using the following tem


Please write your specific aims section (4-5 paragraphs) using the following template: The “Problem” Paragraph Hook: What is the problem being addressed, and why is it important? (1-2 sentences) The Known: What do we currently know about the hook problem? (2-3 sentences) The Unknown (Gap): What do we still need to learn or accomplish to (further) resolve the hook problem? (1-2 sentences) What’s Needed: What would have to be done to bridge the knowledge gap? (1-2 sentences) The “Solution” Paragraph Objective: What are you seeking to accomplish to bridge the gap (overarching goal/objective)? (1 sentence) Rationale: What is the key assumption(s) (overarching hypothesis), and how did you arrive at it (premise) that recommends this objective as a means of bridging the gap? (2-3 sentences) Qualifications: What makes you as an investigator and this environment uniquely suited to obtain this objective? (1-2 sentences) Transition sentence: To accomplish these objectives, we propose the following research/project aims… We are proposing to accomplish the goal with the following specific aims… The “Aims” (mini-)Paragraph(s) (one for each aim). Propose 2 aims – for instance, to develop a program (aim 1) and to test its effectiveness (aim 2) Break down your main goal into 2-3 sub-goals to guide your aims. Write your aim using the formula: “to X we will Y” This formula forces you to state WHY you will do the aim X and HOW you will do it Y. Clearly state what you will do to accomplish this one sub-goal. Expected outcome: aims should result in something measurable or a product (e.g., a program guide). The “Impact” Paragraph Assuming your aims are met, what important things will become possible that are not currently; i.e., how will it impact the field with specific reference to the hook problem? (1-3 sentences)


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