You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a loca


You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching hospital. This hospital is nationally recognized as a leader in education and has a computer lab with an online library where staff has access to medical research databases (that is, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library) and online sources of all hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines, and computers at nurse workstations that also have access to these resources. (For this scenario, use the Capella University Library to simulate the hospital’s online library.) You have given the nurses their patient assignments and you have all participated in shift report. A new nurse who just completed orientation and training a week ago approaches you and tells you that one of the assigned patients has a diagnosis he or she is very unfamiliar with. Knowing that patient-centered care based on best practices is imperative to positive patient outcomes, you want to assist this nurse to find research that can be utilized to provide the best care for this patient. Describe how you would communicate with this nurse to encourage him or her to research the diagnosis. Assume you will assist in the quest to locate evidence, then describe where you would go within the facility and what resources you would look for. These resources may include websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, or any other sources of online information.
Create a list of at least five sources that could be used to find evidence, with the best source listed first, and explain why the sources you chose are best to find evidence for the diagnosis you chose and the clinical scenario. You are only evaluating the sources of evidence (database, website, policy database or website, journal article, et cetera). You are not actually completing a search and selecting evidence. Consider the following examples: a nursing journal in CINAHL may not be the best source of evidence for information on how to administer medications through a central-venous catheter, whereas a hospital policy database found on a website may not be the best source of information on caring for a patient with a rare chromosomal abnormality.
 Create a 2-4 page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP around one of the diagnoses below and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP. Before you complete the instructions detailed in the courseroom, first select one of the diagnoses below. You will use this diagnosis in Asessments #2 and #3. 
•Pneumonia: An infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs, which may fillwith fluid.oInterventions: Antibiotic therapy, oxygen therapy, chest physiotherapy,hydration, and coughing techniques.
oKeywords: Community-acquired pneumonia, hospital-acquired pneumonia, viralpneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, respiratory therapy.
•Congestive Heart Failure (CHF): A chronic condition in which the heart doesn’t pumpblood as well as it should.oInterventions: Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, fluid restriction, dailyweight monitoring, and patient education on symptom management.
oKeywords: Left-sided heart failure, right-sided heart failure, ejection fraction,cardiomyopathy, edema.
•Diabetes Mellitus: A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood.oInterventions: Insulin therapy, oral hypoglycemic agents, dietary management,blood glucose monitoring, and patient education.
oKeywords: Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,diabetic ketoacidosis.
Length of submission: 2-4 pages (not including the title page or the reference page) description of communication, collaboration, and evidence location process, including a list of databases or other sources with description of why they are appropriate for clinical scenario diagnosis/health care issue (that is, something that would be useable in professional practice for other nurses). Be sure to include an APA-formatted reference page at the end of your submission.
Number of references: Cite a minimum of three sources of scholarly or professional evidence that supports your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than five years old.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Interpret findings from scholarly quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research articles and studies.
Explain why the sources selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis/health care issue.
Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision within the context of a specific health care setting.
Describe the best places to complete research within the workplace environment and what types of resources one would want to access to find pertinent information for the diagnosis/health care issue.
Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.
Identify five sources of online information (medical journal databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be used to locate evidence for a diagnosis/health care issue and three out of five should be specific to the diagnosis/health care issue.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.
Describe communication strategies to encourage nurses to research a diagnosis/health care issue, as well as strategies to collaborate with the nurses to access resources.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.


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