I need you to write two recommendation letters, each with a word count of 350 wo


I need you to write two recommendation letters, each with a word count of 350 words.You need to play two roles to write two different recommendation letters. You must write in the format of a recommendation letter for graduate school applications.
The first role you need to play is Longkui Gao. He is an associate professor at Jinan University and the director of the Chinese Language Teaching and Research Office in the Chinese Department of the college. You need to stand from the perspective of an associate professor to praise my academic excellence at Jinan University. My undergraduate major is Chinese Language and Literature. You need to say that I performed very well in class, including excellent teamwork, etc. You must recommend me to study MA Chinese Linguistics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.You have to say that I am very suitable for this professional background. This recommendation letter mainly praises how excellent I was academically during my undergraduate studies at Jinan University.
The second role you need to play is Hongfu Yang. He is a senior teacher at Yuxian Middle School in Jinan, Shandong Province. I once worked as an intern teacher at Yuxian Middle School in Jinan, Shandong Province. You need to write this recommendation letter from Hongfu Yang’s perspective. The main content of the recommendation letter is to praise my excellent performance during the internship. Mainly write about how excellent my job as an intern teacher is and how strong my work abilities are. You also need to write that I get along well with the students and they really like me as an intern teacher. Finally, you must recommend me to study MA Chinese Linguistics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. You have to say that I am very suitable for this professional background.
The actual content of each letter needs to be 350 words, excluding information on recommenders, etc. No AI writing is allowed, and 100% originality must be guaranteed.


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