The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the data from last paper and come u


The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the data from last paper and come up with a PLP that the teachers are going to learn from. This could be a PLP to increase reading comprehension or math proficiency. The intended end product of this assignment will be a viable PLP that could be implemented with a staff.The PLP should recognize the following:●An alignment with an identified need for your school that is rooted in data.●The identified area of need identified for your school that is the target of the adult learning that you are designing in this PLP must be targeted towards something that the adults in your school have primary control over. Targeting areas like ‘increasing student attendance’ or ‘increasing enrollment’ are not appropriate targets for this assignment. First, both of these topics, while important, are not primarily under the control of the teachers in your building. Second, the goal of this assignment is for the staff to truly ‘learn’ (think Katz and Dack). The goal of the learning you design isn’t for teachers to learn a process (like a new attendance system) but to learn something that changes their practice as educators.●An understanding that the most effective PD is ongoing and job-embedded.●A recognition that in order for adults to truly learn they must be provided instruction that demonstrates a deep understanding of good instruction.The PLP that you develop should be targeted to involve the staff actually learning something that would change their practice. It is not simple enough to target ‘increasing knowledge’ as the target for adult learning. After undergoing the training/learning included in the PLP the staff should be teaching or doing something differently. It is important to note that your submission should be relatively detailed. For example, if the target is to improve student reading comprehension by introducing the Readers Workshop model into the classroom the PLP should not just list ‘teachers undergo PD in Readers Workshop.’ Instead, the PLP would note what activities including a schedule for the learning that the teachers would complete as part of the PLP. In short, this is a ‘big’ assignment that will require some substantial work on your part. This PLP should encompass a well-thought-out timeline that assumes the learners will receive PD over multiple sessions conducted over an extended time period.●Identification of the specific audience.●Specific learning targets for the adult learners.●Specific steps that would include the professional development activities that the adults would undergo.●An overview document that could be presented to the adults so that they would understand the learning and process that was expected of them.●A measurement tool to determine if the learners altered their professional practice.It is difficult to quantify exactly how long and detailed this assignment should be in terms of initial final product. Each PLP should be viewed as a complete plan that could be implemented with minimal remaining items to be created


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