Introduction: Christianity went forth from Jerusalem, into the provinces of the


Introduction: Christianity went forth from Jerusalem, into the provinces of the Roman Empire. It interacted with Judaism and Roman civilization. Christians faced challenges, both from Judaism and from the Romans. There was persecution, and there were challenges from false teachers and from pagans. The Church responded to these challenges, evangelized, preached, taught, and defended their faith and teachings. The Christians endured persecution and continued to grow, as the Gospel spread to the population centers of the Roman Empire. The Romans of the early Empire had a very different worldview from the Christians. This led to persecution at times. In this assignment, you will need to watch carefully the video The Roman Age by Francis Schaeffer, and take notes as you watch (the video provides an outline that you can download). Then answer questions about some of the things in the video.
Directions: After viewing the Francis Schaeffer video The Roman Age (and taking notes), write answers to the following questions. These are short-answer questions, expecting a paragraph (three sentences) answer for each question. Be sure to use your own words and phrases to construct your answers, use complete sentences, and avoid grammatical errors.
 1. How did the Roman government change with the decline of the Republic and the rise to power of Julius Caesar, and why did the Roman people go along with the reforms of Augustus?
 2. Why did the Roman Empire persecute the Christians, according to Francis Schaeffer? Explain why the Christians could not participate in some aspects of Roman society, and how the Romans viewed the Christian actions.
 3. Describe how the Christian worldview and faith allowed the Christians to stand up to the persecution of the Roman state, and why the non-Christian Roman worldview eventually led to the decline of the Roman Empire.


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